Covid-19 Update

This is simply a message to let you know that Rose Garden and Palm Springs Management continue to be in good shape during the current epidemic. Assessments are being collected, bills are being paid, and services to the community are being provided. We are in good financial shape.
Palm Springs Management (John and Phil) are there for you as they always have been. They are making sure we have the services and information we need. The Board will not be holding open meetings for a while. Minutes will be posted of any meeting as issues warrant a conference call meeting. You will be noticed in advance as usual. If you have comments for the Board, please send them to management.
It may be helpful for you to know various cities in California have included the following in their definition of essential businesses: Plumbers, electricians, exterminators, custodial/janitorial workers, handyman services, funeral home workers and morticians, moving services, HVAC service, carpenters, landscapers, gardeners, property managers, private security personnel and other service providers who provide services to maintain the safety, sanitation, and essential operation to properties.
This means you can expect the property to be maintained during this crisis, to every degree possible. That does not mean there will never be any disruption to services, of course, but many of the things you might be concerned about are, in fact, essential services. In addition, many of these workers need their employment right now, so we are quite confident they will do whatever they can to fulfill their obligations.
The Rose Garden pool and spa areas have been closed by order of Riverside County.
The tennis and pickleball courts are also now closed in the interest of the health and safety of the community.
Please be especially kind to each other, our property managers, and our service people around the community. Everyone is under a lot of stress. Some are obvious and some are not. It’s impossible to know everyone’s situation. To that end, and while maintaining social distancing, please check in on your neighbors in any safe manner you can to make sure they are okay.
Please try to stay well. We all look forward to seeing each other again in more normal ways and more normal times as soon as possible.
Your Board of Directors