Water Conservation: Doing Our Part

Dear Homeowners,
Due to the current drought conditions, the high cost of water and winter seed, and at the recommendation of the community’s landscape committee, Desert Water Agency, and community landscape vendor, the Board has made a decision to only winter seed the grass areas at the end of Hermosa and around the pool areas in the community this year.
According to the community landscape vendor, if we have a mild winter, the community should experience shabby gold looking grass for about three months, and then it will ‘bounce back’ in February.
The community will benefit from cost savings on water and winter seed.
The community will be adding more flowers to strategic areas around the community to compensate for not winter seeding most of the community grass areas.
The Board of Directors appreciates your patience and understanding with this tough decision that was made in an effort to do it’s part in conserving water and to save community funds.
The Rose Garden Board of Directors